This blog is devoted to evaluating vulnerable Democratic candidates, political news, law and current affairs. Author is a Political consultant specializing in opposition research for conservative candidates, attorneys and PACS at the local, state, and federal level. “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” ― Patrick Henry
Monday, March 31, 2014
Weapons Safety Demonstration by DEA Agent Goes Very Wrong
“I’m the only one in this room professional enough, that I know of, to carry a Glock .40″ Paige says, and then………. BOOM!! Read more at
Obamacare, the plan purportedly created to provide health coverage for the uninsured, has enrolled just 1.7% of America's 48.6 million uninsured.
News of the disastrous numbers comes as nervous Democrats and President Barack Obama, ahead of the November midterm elections, did their best on Monday's enrollment deadline to put a positive spin on the deeply unpopular Obamacare program. The latest Associated Press poll finds that Obamacare has now hit an all-time low approval rating of just 26 percent.
The White House now claims an Obamacare enrollment figure of six million people. However, according to The New York Times, at least 20% of those never paid their premiums to activate coverage, leaving them uninsured. That drops the number down to 4.8 million.
ObamaCare Voter Registration Cards Come Premarked Democrat
Prominent congresscritter Jim Clyburn (D-SC) has been bellowing that Obama needs to do more to help his fellow Democrats in the midterms. He needn’t worry. Obama is on top of it:
LA MESA, Calif. – A local couple called 10News concerned after they received an envelope from the state’s Obamacare website, Covered California. Inside was a letter discussing voter registration and a registration card pre-marked with an “x” in the box next to Democratic Party.
The couple wisely asked the press to keep their identity secret. They have enough problems dealing with ObamaCare without an IRS audit on top of it.
They have lived in La Mesa for years and they have always been registered to vote Republican. Now, they are perplexed as to how the voter registration card pre-marked Democrat ended up in their mailbox.
This should clear up the perplexity: The POTUS is a hard left community organizer who cut his teeth working with ACORN. Clear now?
How convenient: Big Government picks your party for you.
On tips from Muddypaw and Henry. Hat tips: Weasel Zippers, Patriot Update.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Unreal: Top IRS Official Dares Congress to Hold Him in Contempt
The new IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has been dragging his feet in providing the House Oversight Committee all of Lois Lerner’s emails relating to IRS targeting that they have requested.
These emails not only prove that Lois Lerner lied to Congress, but also that the targeting of Tea Party groups was done deliberately to help out Democrats.
Koskinen said it could take years to provide all of the relevant emails, but Rep. Trey Gowdy doesn’t think so, and said he will call Koskinen before the Committee every day until he complies. Koskinen also tangled with Rep. Jim Jordan, who accused him of plagarism for copying a Treasury Department document as his own proposed regulation.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Another Democrat arrested!!! Rhode Island’s recipe for political trouble
FBI investigators left the State House office of Gordon Fox with boxes of evidence last week.
For jaded Rhode Islanders, House Speaker Gordon Fox’s abrupt resignation after a government raid on his State House office called to mind any of a zillion other political scandals in the nation’s smallest state — and furthered its reputation as an endless well of undifferentiated corruption. As one resident told a Globe reporter, “This General Assembly of ours needs a good enema. But the reality of this situation is, it’s not going to happen.” Taking a fatalistic, to-hell-with-them-all attitude toward the state’s political class might be an understandable reaction to the news about Fox. But it’s also worth noting some underlying dynamics that may make highly damaging scandals more likely in the Ocean State.
In Fox’s case, it’s not entirely clear what state and federal investigators are looking for; there’s been some speculation around private work he did, while serving as House majority leader, for a Providence economic-development agency. In any case, a tiny state like Rhode Island can’t easily prohibit its legislators from doing outside work, and when everyone knows everyone the possibility of dubious entanglements multiplies exponentially. Meanwhile, the concentration of power in a few top posts makes it easier for their occupants to wink-wink-nudge-nudge their way into ethical red zones — or, cynics might say, to march gleefully into them.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Breaking: NY State Police Refuse To Enforce SAFE Act Magazine Limits
This is very good news and shows that while politicians may be able to pass gun control legislation getting it enforced is another thing!
Following a federal judge’s ruling in December that the seven-round magazine limit imposed under the New York SAFE Act was “tenuous, straitened, and unsupported” and therefore unconstitutional, state police have updated their filed guide on the controversial law to urge officers not to enforce the arbitrary magazine limit.
The announcement on the revisions to the New York State Police NY SAFE Act Guide was made on Wednesday and came via the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association.
“The New York State Police have followed the same sensible path taken by the New York Sheriffs’ Association and many local law-enforcement agencies in not enforcing a capricious, ill-conceived and unconstitutional portion of the NY SAFE Act,” stated NYSRPA President Thomas King in a press release.
“To date, NYSRPA has spent over $500,000 in litigation and we are prepared to fight the NY SAFE Act all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court where we are confident that many provisions of the law will ultimately be overturned,” he continued.
Liberal talk radio host challenges NRA board member: ‘I will shoot you’
A Georgia radio talk show host told his listeners Tuesday that he would like nothing better than to shoot a National Rifle Association board member. He didn’t mention names, so I assume he’s an equal opportunity NRA board member shooter.
Liberal radio host Mike Malloy was all fired up about the Safe Carry Protection Act that the Georgia House had recently approved. The bill would extend the places in which licensed concealed carry holders could possess weapons.
He began his diatribe with an outright lie: “This organization founded by Gabrielle Giffords, you remember her, the former Arizona congresswoman that Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck suggested should be murdered….”
Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Immediately after the Giffords shooting, Palin emailed Beck that she hated violence. This was in response to Beck’s email that “peace is always the answer.”
So much for honest liberal radio commentary. I get the feeling this guy moonlights as a speechwriter for Harry Reid, the U.S. Senate majority leader.
The sensitivity HERD won't let this rest: Kobe’s Reason for Not Wearing a Hoodie for Trayvon Has Driven Left Into a Twitter Rage
The recent firestorm over basketball star Kobe Bryant’s comments on the Trayvon Martin case has revealed that the country is far from over the controversial case. It all started when Bryant told Colorlines that he felt that the Miami Heat’s donning of hoodies in support of Martin showed a lack of “progress:”
I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,” he said. “That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well, we’ve progressed as a society, then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.”
Another one bites the dust: Democrat Charlotte mayor resigns after arrest on corruption charges
It's an assembly of corrupt politicians.
Patrick Cannon, who rose from public housing to become mayor of North Carolina’s largest city, was arrested Wednesday by the FBI and accused of accepting tens of thousands of dollars in bribes – including $20,000 in cash delivered in a briefcase last month to the mayor’s office.
Cannon, a 49-year-old Democrat who took office only four months ago, was scheduled to show up at a luxury apartment in SouthPark for yet another payoff from what he thought were businessmen needing his influence in city matters, the affidavit says.
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Hussein Obama attempts Gun Control on Russia
Obama calls on Putin to move troops from Ukraine border
Thursday, March 27, 2014
India-Based Wearable device Fin Experiencing Massive Response: Boasts Big Pre-Orders
I want to distribute it in the US wow!!
In case you have been living under a rock, Kerala, India-based creator Rohildev has come up with a unique invention called Fin that looks to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. Now, there are reports that the device is experiencing great response from fans with a big number of pre-orders also complimenting its popularity. Developed by Kerala-based Rohildev, 23, the device has just managed to conclude an extremely successful campaign on crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. Recommended: Top 10 Android Smartphones in the Range of Rs 8,000 To Buy in India
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In case you have been living under a rock, Kerala, India-based creator Rohildev has come up with a unique invention called Fin that looks to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. Now, there are reports that the device is experiencing great response from fans with a big number of pre-orders also complimenting its popularity. Developed by Kerala-based Rohildev, 23, the device has just managed to conclude an extremely successful campaign on crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. Recommended: Top 10 Android Smartphones in the Range of Rs 8,000 To Buy in India
Libtard of the week: This Moron Harry Reid said this? Who do these degenerates think they are?
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) said the fault of struggling to sign up on the Obamacare exchanges didn’t lie with the faulty website, but with the people who weren’t “educated on how to use the Internet.”
“@LelandYee: A year after Sandy Hook, let us recommit ourselves to working towards a safer society for all of us.”…—
No Compromise (@DanPowell80) March 27, 2014
Unbelievable. The lefts' hypocrisy is seriously wearing thin. My question is: Why did the republican not hire an oppo to dig this guys past up? This guy has an extremely checkered past. It's time for conservatives to spend the extra money and hire an opposition researcher that will expose this kind of corrupt character. If you don't hire effective opposition researchers, the other side sure will.
No Compromise (@DanPowell80) March 27, 2014
Unbelievable. The lefts' hypocrisy is seriously wearing thin. My question is: Why did the republican not hire an oppo to dig this guys past up? This guy has an extremely checkered past. It's time for conservatives to spend the extra money and hire an opposition researcher that will expose this kind of corrupt character. If you don't hire effective opposition researchers, the other side sure will.
Can I get at least one response from the left regarding this?
Anyone? Buehler? Buehler? Again complete silence. Let me guess I'm a rascist. How can anyone that has a half a brain believe anything libtards spew??? This guy was running for secretary of State in Communefornia. Can you imagine the shock and awe if this was a conservative???
Ohio Democrats, still pushing their phony “voter suppression” meme, kicked off a campaign tonight to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot. They even brought in Al Sharpton for support.
Sharon Coolidge of the Cincinnati Enquirer tweeted coverage of the event, and it seemed to be the same tired arguments that have been repeated endlessly, until she reported.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Hungary: Archeologists Discover Tomb of Attila the Hun
Budapest| Construction workers building the foundations of a new bridge over the Danube River in the Hungarian capitol, have unearthed a spectacular 6th century sepulchre. The analysis of the monument revealed that it was the burial chamber of a great hunnic leader, most likely that of King Attila himself.
“This site is absolutely incredible!” explains Albrecht Rümschtein, an historian from the Lorand Eötvös University in Budapest and member of the team of specialists investigating the tomb. “We found many horse skeletons, as well as various weapons and other artefacts, all traditionally associated with Huns. These objects include a large sword made of meteoric iron, which could certainly be Attila’s legendary “Holy War Sword of the Scythians”, allegedly given to him by the god Mars himself. In fact, this definitely seems to be the resting place of the almighty Attila, but further analysis needs to be done to confirm it.”
Huh??? Libtard who cracked down on guns, Charged With Trafficking Guns
This guy ran a campaign to crack down on guns, and he's arrested for trafficking them??? Nice job Libtard.
State Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) and 19 other defendants appeared in court this afternoon to confront charges against them ranging from racketeering, gun-trafficking, and murder for hire.
State Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) and 19 other defendants appeared in court this afternoon to confront charges against them ranging from racketeering, gun-trafficking, and murder for hire.
The defendants -- including Keith Jackson, a San Francisco political consultant, and Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow, a longtime Chinatown gangster -- all arrived in civilian clothes while shackled at the wrist and waist.
By 3:30 p.m., only 12 of the defendants, including Jackson and Chow, had appeared before the judge to hear the charges against them. Yee, who as a legislator cracked down on guns, is now being charged with gun trafficking himself.
Sen. Leland Yee arrested, Capitol office searched by FBI
FBI agents are in the Capitol office of state Sen.Leland Yee this morning, and Bay Area news stations are reporting that the San Francisco Democrat has been arrested on suspicion of corruption.
FBI spokeswoman Gina Swankie would not confirm anything about Yee or others who may be targeted by the agency, but said "the FBI is executing multiple search warrants and conducting arrests in multiple locations today."
"At this time we are not elaborating due to the need for agent safety," Swankie said.
Yee's press secretary Dan Lieberman said he had no information but expected to provide a statement later today. Yee was photographed entering the federal building in San Francisco, apparently to be formally charged.
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Read more here:
SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy
Shocking DHS document reveals Obama's real enemies. A shocking DHS document, leaked on March 24, 2014 by InfoWars, reveals who Barack Obama’s real enemy is: the military, veterans, the National Guard, and those who eschew Obama’s brand of democratic socialism. The 160-page document describes a drill going on this very minute, dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group—whose stated ideology happens to match exactly that of the Tea Party—wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami. Conspiring with this group—named Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny—are elements of the military, veterans, and the National Guard.
Great editorial: Our criminal justice system has become a crime
Prosecutors too often abuse unrestrained powers.
Glenn Harlan Reynolds4:07 p.m. EDT March 19, 2014
Here's how it's supposed to work: Upon evidence that a crime has been committed — Professor Plum, found dead in the conservatory with a lead pipe on the floor next to him, say — the police commence an investigation. When they have probable cause to believe that someone is guilty, the case is taken to a prosecutor, who (in the federal system, and many states) puts it before a grand jury. If the grand jury agrees that there's probable cause, it indicts. The case goes to trial, where a jury of 12 ordinary citizens hears the evidence. If they judge the accused guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, they convict. If they think the accused not guilty — or even simply believe that a conviction would be unjust — they acquit.
Here's how things all-too-often work today: Law enforcement decides that a person is suspicious (or, possibly, just a political enemy). Upon investigation into every aspect of his/her life, they find possible violations of the law, often involving obscure, technical statutes that no one really knows. They then file a "kitchen-sink" indictment involving dozens, or even hundreds of charges, which the grand jury rubber stamps. The accused then must choose between a plea bargain, or the risk of a trial in which a jury might convict on one or two felony counts simply on a "where there's smoke there must be fire" theory even if the evidence seems less than compelling.
This is why, in our current system, the vast majority of cases never go to trial, but end in plea bargains. And if being charged with a crime ultimately leads to a plea bargain, then it follows that the real action in the criminal justice system doesn't happen at trial, as it does in most legal TV shows, but way before, at the time when prosecutors decide to bring charges. Because usually, once charges are brought, the defendant will wind up doing time for something.
The problem is that, although there's lots of due process at trial — right to cross-examine, right to counsel, rules of evidence, and, of course, the jury itself, which theFramers of our Constitution thought the most important protection in criminal cases — there's basically no due process at the stage when prosecutors decide to bring charges. Prosecutors who are out to "get" people have a free hand; prosecutors who want to give favored groups or individuals a pass have a free hand, too.
When juries decide not to convict because doing so would be unjust, it's called "jury nullification," and although everyone admits that it's a power juries have, many disapprove of it. But when prosecutors decide not to bring charges, it's called "prosecutorial discretion," and it's subject to far less criticism, if it's even noticed. As for prosecutorial targeting of disfavored groups or individuals, the general attitude is "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime."
The problem with that attitude is that, with today's broad and vague criminal statutes at both the state and federal level, everyone is guilty of some sort of crime, a point that Harvey Silverglate underscores with the title of his recent book, Three Felonies A Day: How The Feds Target The Innocent, that being the number of felonies that the average American, usually unknowingly, commits.
Such crimes can be manufactured from violations of obscure federal regulations that can turn pocketing a feather or taking home a rusted bit of metal from a wilderness area into a crime. In other cases, issues almost always dealt with in civil court, disagreements over taxes for instance, can be turned into a criminal case.
The combination of vague and pervasive criminal laws — the federal government literally doesn't know how many federal criminal laws there are — and prosecutorial discretion, plus easy overcharging and coercive plea-bargaining, means that where criminal law is concerned we don't really have a judicial system as most people imagine it. Instead, we have a criminal justice bureaucracy that assesses guilt and imposes penalties with only modest supervision from the judiciary, and with very little actual accountability. (When a South Carolina judge suggested earlier this year that prosecutors should follow the law, prosecutors revolted.)
In a recent Columbia Law Review essay, I suggest some remedies to this problem: First, prosecutors should have "skin in the game" — if someone's charged with 100 crimes but convicted of only one, the state should have to pay 99% of his legal fees. This would discourage overcharging. (So would judicial oversight, but we've seen little enough of that.) Second, plea-bargain offers should be disclosed at trial, so that judges and juries can understand just how serious the state really thinks the offense is. Empowering juries and grand juries (a standard joke is that any competent prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich) would also provide more supervision. And finally, I think that prosecutors should be stripped of their absolute immunity to suit — an immunity created by judicial activism, not by statute — and should be subject to civil damages for misconduct such as withholding evidence.
If our criminal justice system is to be a true justice system, then due process must attach at all stages. Right now, prosecutors run riot. That needs to change.
Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor, is the author of The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself.
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6 Arguments Only A Liberal Could Believe
By John Hawkins | Mar 18, 2014
It's almost impossible to have any kind of meaningful discussion with a liberal because while you're trying to come up with logical points to support your position, he’s trying to come up with new ways to convince people you're Hitler. Modern liberalism has turned into a willful embrace of stupidity. It's all about setting reason and intellect aside in order to take an emotionally-satisfying position that makes a liberal feel better about himself. This is how people who are undeniably intelligent can feel good about taking brainless positions that hurt a lot of people. While liberals have emotionally blinded themselves so totally that they believe they're taking compassionate, intellectual, well-crafted stands, this is how they sound to everyone who's not a liberal.
1) Everyone who disagrees with a liberal is racist! The Tea Party? Racist! Republicans? Racist! Fox News? Racist? Black conservatives? Racist! Barack Obama's grandma? Racist! Do I think Social Security is solvent? My position on that is that "You're a racist!" What do I think about flattening the tax code? Sarah Palin is a racist! Do I like potatoes? Well, Republicans eat potatoes sometimes; so potatoes are racist! Racist, racist, racist!
2) We're all going to die because man is causing global warming! Proof? It's science! Granted, no one can explain the science that proves global warming. But, science isn't about science, it's about repeating the word “science” over and over again like a magic incantation. Science, science, sciencey, sciencey science! See? It's science and scientists agree that it's science! Why do you hate science so much? Why do you want polar bears to die? Oh, and science!
3) (Before Obamacare was passed) Everyone should support Obamacare because it will cover all of the uninsured, it'll save you money on health care, you'll get to keep your doctor and it'll be super convenient! It's going to be the greatest thing ever! (Now) Sure, Obamacare mostly insures people it knocked off of their existing insurance, it costs a lot more, you can't keep your doctor and the website is insanely difficult to deal with, but it's the greatest thing ever!
4) Guns cause crime and if we take guns away from people who haven't broken the law yet, then criminals will also not have guns somehow. Gun-free zones also protect people from criminals, who we're sure won't enter "gun-free zones" for some reason. Unless they do…. Which proves the problem is actually law abiding gun owners somehow or another. And that's why we need more and more gun laws until all the people who obey gun laws can't have guns any more, which will save us from criminals and crazy people who don't care about the law.
5) You can't expect black people to get voter ID. I mean, white guys? Sure. Hispanics? No problem. Asians and Jews? Obviously. But, have you met any black people in your life? You really think they're capable of going to a government office with the proper paperwork and coming out with identification with their name on it? These guys? Seriously? Seriously? Okay, well, right after you run across a black American who can figure out how to get his own ID, why don't we set up classrooms to teach cats how to do Algebra. Hey, Mr. Kitty, 3x + 10 + 2x = 12 + 4x? Black people getting IDs? Geeze....
6) Republicans are waging a war on women! You can tell because they oppose killing female babies and think women should buy their own birth control, just like men! Also, they're so mean to women! For example, they oppose Hillary Clinton becoming President -- obviously because she's a woman. All criticism of women from conservatives is based on gender. Not like criticism of that @%$#^ Sarah Palin, who is so incredibly, unbelievably stupid that she only managed to become a mayor, a governor, a VP candidate, put out best selling books, had a successful TV show and became a wealthy, sought-after speaker while getting married and having 5 kids. She's almost as bad as those @#$%!*$ -- Michelle Malkin, S.E. Cupp, and Dana Loesch, although a little more evil than Ann Coulter and Megyn Kelly and more of a @#%@^$%^ #@$%^&(*^ @#$%^ than Laura Ingraham and Jan Brewer! Also, conservatives call women names!
US Government take notice: Farmer Dumps Several Tons of Horse Sh*t on French Parliament Building
Why are the French protesting their government in the grossest way possible Can you imagine if someone did this in the U.S.?!
Why are the French protesting their government in the grossest way possible Can you imagine if someone did this in the U.S.?!
An angry farmer pulled up in front of the French Parliament building yesterday and unloaded this massive heap of horse dung. "Out with Hollande and the whole political class, long live the Sixth Republic" was printed on the side of the truck. Francois Hollande is the president of France and he has been criticized for his party's austerity, which has affected farm subsidies. reports that the man was arrested and that cleanup crews eventually arrived to properly dispose of the giant pile of crap. reports that the man was arrested and that cleanup crews eventually arrived to properly dispose of the giant pile of crap.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The full cycle of Inflation
"Everyone loves an early inflation. The effects at the beginning of inflation are all good. There is steepened money expansion, rising government spending, increased government budget deficits, booming stock markets, and spectacular general prosperity, all in the midst of temporarily stable prices. Everyone benefits, and no one pays. That is the early part of the cycle. In the later inflation, on the other hand, the effects are all bad. The government may steadily increase the money inflation in order to stave off the latter effects, but the latter effects patiently wait. In the terminal inflation, there is faltering prosperity, tightness of money, falling stock markets, rising taxes, still larger government deficits, and still roaring money expansion, now accompanied by soaring prices and an ineffectiveness of all traditional remedies. Everyone pays and no one benefits. That is the full cycle of every inflation."
- Jens O. Parsson, Dying of Money: Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations (1974)
Monday, March 24, 2014
Libtard of the week goes to Chuck Schumer
Does Schumer know what day it is?
He Tweets:
It’s March 31st, the last day to #GetCovered & see how #ACAworks for you!
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